The Fine Art of
Public Persuasion The Definitive Seminar for Sharpening the Public Speaking and Delivery Skills of Child Nutrition
Suggested Audience: Directors, Supervisors, State/Local Office Staff
Suitable for a pre-conference seminar or other gathering of regional/statewide program
supervisors and administrators
Session Length: Flexible -- up to 4 hours of teaching time (not including breaks)
as a full- or partial-day seminar
Can be combined over two days or two half-day sessions with Board Presentations To Go for a comprehensive curriculum
covering both the mechanics of creating a great presentation and the skills necessary to
effectively deliver one
Session Description:
Participants in
this intensive workshop will learn the marketing strategies and presenting skills that should underlie every
successful presentation that child nutrition professionals give to promote their programs. Participants will
view several existing computer-designed presentations used by their colleagues around the country.
They'll learn how to "tweak the room," to prepare their own script, to design presentations with the latest
hardware and software, and to field questions like a seasoned pro! And they'll take away a disk with a
complete sample presentation ready to be customized for their own district.
Workshop Objectives:
Participants will gain a crucial understanding of why it's important for them to
proactively tell their stories to the various audiences that affect their program -- and they'll also gain the
confidence to seek out such opportunities and the inside knowledge to make their “fifteen minutes of fame” count.
Participants will watch sample presentations
used by their colleagues around the country, which we will analyze in-depth in order to better understand what
makes an effective presentation work.