Presentations TO GO! The Only Workshop that Participants Leave with a
Customized Board Presentation of Their Own, Ready to Show
Suggested Audience: Directors, Supervisors, State/Local Office Staff
Suitable for a pre-conference seminar or other gathering of regional/statewide program
supervisors and administrators
Session Length: Flexible -- up to 4 hours of teaching time (not including breaks)
as a full- or partial-day seminar
Can be combined over two days or two half-day sessions with The Fine Art of Public Persuasion for a comprehensive curriculum
covering both the mechanics of creating a great presentation and the skills necessary to
effectively deliver one
Session Description:
This is the only one-day workshop for child nutrition
professionals that participants leave with a complete, customized, ready-to use board presentation of their own,
ready to show. Attendees will enter the training room in the morning equipped with only their
laptop computers and their desire to wow their board members.
They'll leave that same afternoon with their very own customized presentation – and the ability to impress the
heck out of their board and other key audiences like PTAs and administrator groups. Requires a computer running Microsoft
Workshop Objectives:
Participants will gain a solid working knowledge of creating and editing effective
computerized presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Participants will achieve a more complete understanding of the elements of design that
make for an effective presentation in any situation.
Participants will work from a presentation template created for child nutrition programs
to edit and customize their very own board presentation in a single day’s workshop!