Conference Keynotes
& Breakout Sessions

If You Build It Up, They Will Come
Strategies for Designing, Promoting, and Managing Press Events Guaranteed to Bring You Lots of Positive (and Free!) Publicity

  • Suitable for a Breakout Session (or as a General session or Keynote at a meeting specifically for administrators)
  • Primarily targeted at Directors, Supervisors, and other front-office staff, as well as regional, state, and local Child Nutrition Administrators.  Managers, Cooks, and Employees may enjoy and benefit from the session, too.
  • Session Length: 45-75 minutes

Session Description:

Half the battle in getting good media coverage for your special events is providing a good story for the media to tell. The other half is making sure that they know the event is taking place! This in-depth how-to session on planning press events for your child nutrition program will give you a checklist of all the details that need attending to, provide tips on designing an effective program for the day, and let you in on all of the sure-fire tricks of the trade for luring reporters to your event. If you can get them there, and manage the message effectively once they arrive, reporters will willingly tell your success stories for you!