Conference Keynotes
& Breakout Sessions
Are You Nasty or Awesome? What Kids Think of Us, How We Can Find Out, and Why We Should
Breakout Version
Session Description:
This is the "nuts and bolts" version of this session, which delves more deeply
into the details of devising a market research project. Using one specific project from our portfolio
as a template, we'll define exactly what market research is, why it's important, how to do it, and what to do
with the knowledge you gain.
Several years ago, we undertook a ground-breaking market research study among middle and high school students in 20
Florida schools in six districts. Over 200 kids were videotaped during 27 hours of focus groups, and 9,000 students
answered a detailed survey about the child nutrition programs at their schools. They shared their thoughts with us
about service, environment, food quality, and much more. And they told us what they know (or more often what they
don't know!) about good nutrition. Along the way, the kids threw a few surprises at us -- and we picked up some
customer satisfaction secrets that may surprise you, too. Whether you work with younger or older kids . . . in
urban, suburban, or rural schools . . . in the southeast U.S. or the northwest or anywhere in between, this session
will help your Child Nutrition Program reach more of its customers more often!