Answering Teachers' Gripes . . .  uh, I mean Teachers' QUESTIONS

We originally created this piece for a subscriber who wanted to be able to answer typical complaints that teachers vocie about the school meals programs.  The four questions answered on the piece probably cover much the same ground for just about everyone, but your info or emphasis might be slightly different, or you may have a different question(s) entirely that you’d like to answer.  This flyer is completely editable, but if you need to edit and find you need our help with either making text fit or with the wording, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for assistance. 

There are two versions -- one with a free meal offer for American Education Week (carrot and stick, don't you know!), and the other without the free meal offer. 

To see full size samples before downloading, click here for the one with the free meal coupon and here for the one without the coupon.

The materials provided on this page and at any and all of the links above are copyrighted property of JBCS, Inc., and cannot be used in part or whole unless you have an active subscription to Menu Magic.

Teacher FAQ Flyer -- no free meal


Teacher FAQ Flyer with the free meal


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