Click here or on the graphic
below to see and print a full-page pdf of a recent version of the
Full-color generic and customized reprints
are available here.

Now Available in Spanish for our Menu Magic Spanish
Once again, we're offering this
flyer to encourage customers to choose school meals and to take advantage of their free/reduced-price
eligibility. Extras like this
are one of the great value-added services you get from Menu Magic at no extra
This year, there are Publisher and Corel versions of this flyer in
which all of the text is editable. However, there are some complicated text wraps and other design elements
that might make editing difficult, especially if you require extensive edits. So please feel free to
call, and we will customize it for you and send you a finished .pdf. If you don't need any other
changes, please just email us the contact phone number and program name (in red below the "We Serve Education Every
Day" logo) and we'll change them for you and send you back a .pdf for you to post and/or print.
Corel Version
Publisher Version
PDF Sample
Also, we created this flyer originally in response to a
customer request. if you have something custom that you'd like us to create for you, please call or
email and run it by us. We'll try our best to help you out, and then we'll share your
piece with our other 500 subscribers, too.
Click on the graphic to see and print a full-page pdf of a
sample flyer.
The materials provided on this page and at any and all of the links above are copyrighted property
of JBCS, Inc., and cannot be used in part or whole unless you have an active subscription to Menu