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Marketing and PR Support for
Introducing, Reinforcing, and Promoting 
the USDA regs for Lunch and Breakfast

CLICK HERE to  see all of our marketing materials for our New Regs campaigns!

We’ve developed a set of strategic communications materials to help you promote awareness of the new USDA regs -- and your program, as well! THE ARTWORK FOR ALL HANDOUTS AND ALL PUBLIC RELATIONS SUPPORT AND MENU PUBLICITY ARE AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL CURRENT MENU MAGIC SUBSCRIBERS, AS WELL AS TO THOSE WHO BEGIN A NEW SUBSCRIPTION AT ANY TIME. Menu Magic subscribers also receive an 18% DISCOUNT on signage and other printed materials that we have created for our campaigns. Non-subscribers can purchase printed materials at full price. 




Our emphasis in the "DON'T4GET!" campaign for the new Lunch regs isn’t be so much on the “rules” as on the benefits that will accrue to your customers because of the rules. We help you sell the change as a positive good for your kids, your schools, and your programs. We know there are continuing concerns about the nuts and bolts of implementing these regs, but as a matter of marketing and public relations, we want to enable you to emphasize the positives to your various audiences

Our "FIRST THING FIRST" campaign for the new Breakfast Regs represents an exciting opportunity to pump up an under-utilized portion of your program, and that's exactly what we want to help you do! 

The elements of our campaigns include:

  • Publicity on the Menu
    The new Lunch and Breakfast regs continue to be a point of emphasis on our Menu Magic menus.  Not a Menu Magic subscriber?  Click here to learn more and save 18% on all New Regs marketing materials, too!
  • Public Relations Support
    Talking points, press releases, etc., to help you explain and promote the New Regs to your wider audiences and continue to grow support. 
  • What else would you like to see?

    As always, we will adapt and expand the materials according to what our Menu Magic subscribers require.